Working at Height

Save lives, be Fallproof

Working At Height Catalogue

Our new Working at Height catalogue is available to download here.
Includes; Fall Protection and Tethered Tooling (Demarcation available in full catalogue)

Protecting yourself and your team

Falls from height are one of the biggest causes of workplace fatalities and major injuries. These accidents can be avoided by assessing the task, taking appropriate precautions, and having the most suitable fall prevention equipment for the task at hand.
Your essentials; Harnesses, Head Protection, Fall Arrest

Securing your tools

By securely attaching your tools to avoid dropped objects from height, you’re ensuring everybody below is kept safe whilst avoiding costly replacement of your kit.
Your essentials; Quick Switch Systems, Retrofit Solutions, Tool Belts & Pouches, Lifting & Storage, Lanyards

Making your environment safe

Remember to make any areas safe where work at height is taking place; including demarcating exclusion zones, installing netting etc.
Your essentials; Barriers, Cones

Working at Height Support

Helpful information all in one place, to keep your team safe whilst working at height.
Includes; helpful links to guides, downloadable posters for sites, videos etc.

Tethered Tooling Article

Prevention is better than cure: Are your tools secure against falling?
- Damian Lynes, Sales Director